
(CDC/Alissa Eckert, Dan Higgins; inset: American Heart Association)
(CDC/Alissa Eckert, Dan Higgins; inset: American Heart Association)

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Eduardo Sanchez, M.D., M.P.H., FAAFP, 他是美国心脏协会的首席预防医疗官, 为患者和其他关心冠状病毒的人分享建议和资源.

在COVID-19大流行期间,我们都在继续适应生活,并进入一些常规, it’s extremely important that we don’t let our guard down.

要做到这一点,最好的方法是坚持做我们知道可以阻止冠状病毒传播的简单事情. You’ve heard these tips before, 但你会一直听到它们,因为它们是目前我们对抗病毒的最佳防御:

  • Continue social distancing, at least 6 feet apart. In fact, stay home as much as you can.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds.
  • Don’t touch surfaces out in public.
  • 当你在难以保持社交距离的地方外出时,戴上口罩或布面罩.
  • 咳嗽和打喷嚏时用纸巾盖住,然后扔掉. 如果手边没有纸巾,咳嗽或打喷嚏时就用肘部的长袖捂着.
  • Try not to touch your mouth, nose or eyes.

继续了解这一迅速变化的大流行病. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers regularly updated and reliable information. 一定要遵循你所在州和当地卫生官员的指导. 你可以随时找到病人的最新信息和保持健康的建议 liuyang1999.com.

Who is at risk of infection or complications?


Stroke survivors and those with heart disease, including high blood pressure and congenital heart defects, 如果感染了COVID-19病毒,可能会面临更大的并发症风险. People with diabetes, compromised immune systems, 慢性肺部疾病和其他潜在疾病也可能有更严重疾病的风险, according to the CDC.

Also, early national data 黑人、西班牙裔和拉丁裔似乎受到了不成比例的影响. Data from several cities and counties found black people there had higher death rates from COVID-19. Many black people are already more vulnerable to cardiovascular and stroke risks, as well as social determinants of health.

If you are an essential worker or need to be out

We all need to be extra vigilant if we leave home. 要注意,每一个表面都是潜在的感染源,你带回家的每样东西都可能被病毒污染. 擦干净包装和包装纸,扔掉袋子,然后洗手.

If you are an essential worker, 你可能会有更多的机会接触到病毒或实际感染病毒.


这些预防措施包括在工作前对发烧和其他症状进行预先筛查, regularly monitoring conditions at work, and wearing a mask and practicing social distancing at work.

If you’re hunkering down at home

绝大多数美国人现在被要求呆在家里, 但是,即使你远离他人,安全措施仍然是必要的. 继续大力洗手,并定期清洁和消毒表面.

If you do have an emergency, such as heart attack or stroke symptoms, call 911. Some hospitals are crowded due to COVID-19, 但是应急系统有确保适当治疗的计划. 尽快得到治疗可以提高生存的机会, 急救人员训练有素,能避免细菌传播.

Stay in close contact with your health care providers. Keep their contact information handy, and ask whether electronic consulting or instant messaging options are available.

If you live alone, gather a list of support contacts you could call on, such as friends, relatives, colleagues and neighbors. Keep this contact information in one easy-to-find place.

Take stock of your medications. Make sure you have enough for an extended time. 还要弄清楚,如果你不能离开家,你怎么去买补药. Find out if your pharmacy can deliver refills. 您的医疗保健提供者或健康计划也可以在这里为您提供建议.

And, of course, continue to stay active and eat healthy. Stay connected with the people you care about, 因为孤独感会损害你的健康和幸福.

What if you have symptoms of the coronavirus?

Common symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. Contact your health care provider if you have these symptoms. And, again, if you experience the warning signs of heart attack stroke, call 911 immediately.

如果卫生专家正在调查你或你的家人是否患有COVID-19, 或者你或你家里的人被确诊感染了COVID-19,但这个人的情况足够稳定,可以在家治疗, consider these precautions advised by the CDC:

  • Make sure appropriate caregivers are available at home.
  • 确保有一个单独的卧室,病人可以在不与其他人共用空间的情况下恢复.
  • 确保住在你家里的每个人都能遵守建议的预防措施,作为家庭护理或隔离的一部分. That includes covering coughs or sneezes, relentless handwashing, 不要触摸你的脸,一定要定期用家用清洁剂擦拭表面.
  • 制定一些基本规则,确保被隔离的人能够以最小的风险获得食物和其他必需品.
  • Stay in touch with your health care provider.